Web Apps
A selection of some of my basic web apps that can be used directly on this website.

Great-Circle Route

Great-Circle Route plot visualiser

An interactive (rotate-able and zoom-able) globe of the Earth, with the ability to plot on it ideal Great-Circle Routes (generally the shortest path by air and what international flights try and fly to) and linear/flat routes (the shortest route on a 2D flat map projection) between a pair of airports.


Sunrise/Sunset calculator

A basic sunrise and sunset calculator web page, using JavaScript to dynamically calculate the times in the selected location (using local time), and it also draws a basic circular dial plot of the times.

Night Sky Chart Planner

Sun, Moon and Milky Way Planner

A more advanced sunrise and sunset calculator, which visually plots sunset/sunrise times (with twilight), as well as moon phase and elevation, in addition to the Milky Way galaxy elevation and orientation in the sky.

This is a slightly modified version of Travis Taylor's Milky Way Planner.