Format a number with thousand separator characters in Rust

Category: rust, year: 2021

The following code function snippet is an example of how to format a number (already in String/&str form) with thousand separator characters in Rust:

pub fn thousand_separate_string_number(string_val: &str) -> String {
    let mut s = String::new();
    let mut local_copy = string_val.to_string();
    let decimal_pos = local_copy.rfind('.');
    if let Some(pos) = decimal_pos {
        // deal with any decimal place digit and following digits first
        local_copy = string_val[..pos].to_string();
    let chrs = local_copy.chars().rev().enumerate();
    for (idx, val) in chrs {
        if idx != 0 && idx % 3 == 0 {
            s.insert(0, ',');
        s.insert(0, val);

Get length of longest String in a Vec in Rust

Category: rust, year: 2021

The following code snippet is an example of how to find out the length of the longest String in a Vec using Rust:

let string_vec = vec!["One", "Two", "Three", "Twenty"];
let max_string_length = string_vec.iter().map(|t| t.len()).max().unwrap();
eprintln!("Max string length: {}", max_string_length);

Tags: rust string

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